About (English)

What is “KOKORO* Distance Meter Project”? (日本語)

KOKORO Distance Meter Project intends to develop technologies that objectively assess
“KOKORO distance” between people and various targets by using a datum that can be represented numerically.

*KOKORO (心) is Japanese word which includes the meaning of individual mind, mental, emotion, characteristic or psychological state for human.

 What is “KOKORO Distance Meter”? 

For example, something like this.

“KOKORO distance” means a degree of psychological closeness that a person feels vis-à-vis his or her interlocutor. The closer we feel to someone, the shorter the distance becomes.


Q1 What is the purpose of measurement of “KOKORO distance”?

As people live increasingly longer today, with 100-year life expectancy becoming less exceptional, an active debate is taking place on the importance of intangible assets, which are getting harder than ever to express in monetary value. Among those intangible assets, physical and mental health and good relationships with family and friends are considered particularly important, which are called “vitality assets.” Reports indicate that the quality of human relationships among individuals and in organizations affects people’s physical health as well as mental health.

Q2 How does measurement of “KOKORO distance” help us?

Measurement of “KOKORO distance” will be able to help us to optimize human relationships.

Q3 If Measurement of KOKORO distance becomes widespread in the future, how will it affect our life?

It is said that the quality of human relationship is the most important factor influencing happiness and health. We hope this research project helps people improve the quality of their relationships, and eventually enhance their mental and physical health and happiness.

Improving the quality of human relationships with a “KOKORO Distance Meter”, enhancing people’s mental and physical health and happiness